Images of Northern Cyprus - 2016 - Qtr 1/2 - an essentially chronological catalogue of photos
A collection of images which have been taken in 2016 and cover aspects such as Sights and Views in and around the Island - and various odds & sods. I have posted them more or less as they are captured i.e. in chronological order and then after a week or two, will trim them back to a smaller subset. Come April 1st, I will post another page which will be found on the same menu tree as this one. You can post feedback or comments via the 'Contact' option which is under 'MORE...' on the main menu above.
Hover over the larger image and a Play/Pause option will appear to allow you to view the slideshow. Hover over the smaller images and if there are additional images to view they will appear via scrolling. To return to the Gallery Listings, please select the link in the header above.
Hover over the larger image and a Play/Pause option will appear to allow you to view the slideshow. Hover over the smaller images and if there are additional images to view they will appear via scrolling. To return to the Gallery Listings, please select the link in the header above.
Tepebasi Tulip Festival - conspicuous by their absence were the Tulips though ? Needed a classic car ride to see these !
What a difference a couple of hours makes!! Rain in the morn and sun after lunch.
Trip out to Esenteppe on a sunny Sunday afternoon.
..and continues with a walk in the hills on a sunny/windy day...images below:
More wavy pics with stormy weather
Track was pretty much a goat path at some points...slightly nervous I was going to lose my better half and have to climb down and get her...a wee bit too much scree...slippy.
Took this set on walk up into hills - practically killed myself !! Forgot just how steep some parts are and this was my first outing !!
Various images in and around Girne & Alsancak
Post Valentine's Day images
OK, ya got me !! YES, I do love taking pictures of waves crashing on the rocks. So, shoot me....what can I say - majestic, magnificent!
Panorama of Turkish Mainland from Alsancak. A very clear day allowing a good view of the mainland. NO Gill, you can't swim over there, even you would struggle with the 200+ km distance. Taken with 150-600mm lens at about 420mm.